This is the community page for the EpiExplorer project.
Here you can tell us how can we make EpiExplorer more useful to you. Feel free to suggest new features, datasets, visualizations or vote for features suggested by other users.
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Methylation chart
Dear colleagues,
I am comparing a bed of exons against the corresponding full-genes bed file. By looking at "DNA methylation (ENCODE)" I can see higher bars for full-genes (e.g. 75% unmethylated for genes compared to 5% unmethylated for exons).
Below, it can be read:
Chart description: The bar chart visualizes the percentage of regions in the selected region set that overlap with any of the listed genomic and epigenomic features on the x-axis. |
Many thanks for EpiExplorer, it is really helpful,
Names of regions in "DNA methylation (BROAD)"
User upload their own annotation data sets.
Custom DNA sequence patterns
Allow uploading to use as basis default or custom already processed attributes
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